Student Handbook

There has been an update to the Student Handbook - Page 52 - see below for the change


Late buses do not run on Early Dismissal Days.

Late buses are available for students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities/sports or other after school commitments. A late bus for Avon students departs the school at 4:15 PM. Avon students who would like to ride a late bus should get on the bus and tell the driver their address. Students are responsible for communicating their plans with a parent/guardian when they will be riding the late bus.

Open Choice Students who wish to ride the 4:30 PM bus to Hartford must request transportation with the Administrative Assistant to the Principal in the Main Office by 10:00 AM on the day they wish to ride the late bus.

Students who would like transportation after 4:30 PM for sports must contact Kim Schlosser in the AHS Athletic Office by 10:30 AM in order to reserve a seat.