School Counseling

Appointment Requests

Your school counselor is always happy to meet with you. Reach out to us if there is anything we can assist you with. We are available via email, google meets, in-person meetings, and phone calls. Students may set up an appointment using each counselor's individual appointment booking link located in the School Counseling office. Student walk-ins will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority given to those with appointments. Parents may schedule an appointment by calling or emailing their student's school counselor.

School Counseling Department - 860-404-4740 x1180
Todd Dyer, Director of School Counseling - [email protected] 
Cara Boland, School Counselor - [email protected] 
Andrew Ellrod, School Counselor - [email protected] 
Sarah Chaves, School Counselor - [email protected] 
Laura Sullivan, School Counselor - [email protected] 
Heather Toyen, School Counselor - [email protected] 
Patricia Bialaski, Administrative Assistant, [email protected]

About Our Program

The Avon High School Comprehensive School Counseling program plays a primary role in supporting the academic, social/emotional and post high school planning components of student success. In following a prescribed scope and sequence of activities, the department ensures that each student at Avon High School participates in their own development, both as an individual and as a member of the larger high school community, in support of "The Nine" academic, civic and social learning expectations. Counselors meet with students on both an individual basis and in group settings throughout the student's high school career. Students are assigned to counselors alphabetically by student's last name, with efforts made to retain the same counselor for all four years.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Avon Public School Counseling Department is to guide and support all students as they progress academically, personally, and socially, towards career and college readiness through participation in a comprehensive school counseling program.


  • All students are developing as they learn to make informed, responsible, and honest decisions.
  • All students will acquire and utilize the essential skills and knowledge they need to serve as independent and productive members of society.

APS Avon High School